Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Some nice rooster action off the boat

Some nice August rooster action off the boat

Some fun jack action off the boat before the storm

Some fun August action off the boat

Early morning beach fishing

Denton with a nice jack off the beach

JT Green

Very few people you can call a friend on the first day you meet them.    JT is one of them.   One of the best guys to walk out planten just a too much fun to fish with.   

JT came down the 5 th of July n fished with me during the craziest times of my life.   We laughed n fished all day, every day.  What a great trip 

This is JTs first beach rooster.   Congrats big time Amigo. 

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Texas wild man Brett Campbell

Fished with me in early July. He got roosters, jacks off the beach n panga.

Beach fishing

I lost all of our spring n early summer boat n beach season. Texas wild man Brett Campbell saved my sanity n was the first guest to beach fish with me in July.   We had lots of fun on the beach n even on a panga.  Thanks again Amigo for keeping your reservation n going fishing with me during these crazy times 

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