Hi Folks, I'm back. Its been a long summer. Not many tourists or fisherman this summer, so I decided to make the best of it and have been making wooden surfboards... These boards are the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, and made out of mexican Red cedar and other exotic woods..... They take me about 3 to 4 weeks to make, and its all by hand tools.wood, glue, hand-plane, and sandpaper, that's it...They surf incredible, and I have already had 3 people come up and ask me to make them boards..Hey, I am not in the surfboard making business, but, I started taking orders for next summer.... I will only do 2 to 3 boards a year, from July through September. and the cost is $200 board foot... The rest of the time, hey, I'm off fishing... Remember, I fish almost everyday from Oct 15th-July 10th... Finding a day off can be a difficult, but I am not complaining.. I am 50 years old this February, and a young 50 at that...Fishing everyday is exhausting at times, but its the most rewarding endeavor I have ever done. Its what keeps me young, happy and fulfilled...I love my life... CABO NEWS...... Wow, a 1200 Blue marlin was caught last week here in Cabo... The fish was caught after a grueling 28 hour battle... Old man and the sea stuff, except the fisherman (Richard Biehl of Traverse City, Michigan) passed off the rod to the mate at Sunset and then passed back to Biehl at sunrise... Biehl was using 60lb line and was targeting striped marlin. Its a heck of a fish... Thats Cabo, you just never know whats swimming out there.. The fish was caught off 95 spot, about 8 miles from port... Its Starting, that is Cabo's fall fishing is starting to go off... Inshore small to medium sized roosterfish are roaming our beaches... They are up to 20-25lbs, but mostly you will catch them under 15lbs... They are great fun to catch on fly and light spin rods. These fish are real aggressive powerhouses and I have been fishing for them for over 32 years, and they continue to be my favorite... Offshore. Plenty to catch offshore right now, and lots f fish are very close to shore... Remember, The coast line around Cabo is very different than many other places around the world. Its over 1000 feet deep just a few hundred yards off the arch, and thats the shallow water... Many times I am fishing high spots that are 2000' feet deep... Its amazing that bottom contour hat deep affects the fishing, but it does.... I have seen striped marlin chase green slimy mackerel up on the beach... They started pushing the bait at the lighthouse about 400 yards offshore and just continued to push all the way to the beach, It was an amazing sight to behold. Marlin in the breakers feeding on bait... The pelican's were picking off mackerel that were jumping up on the sand to get away from marlin.. Only in Cabo baby! Okay, back to the fishing.. We are catching striped marlin, sailfish, dorado and some small football tunas( not very many-yet). Th marlin and sail-fishing is pretty good right now.. They are not far offshore and are hitting plugs as well as bait thrown to tailers. Dorado is the king right now. Plenty of dorado to keep the action going. Most of the fish are under 15lbs, but there are some brutes thrown in as well... Most of the fish are on the Pacific side. Some football Yellowfin tuna here and there, but not much home to write about. Black and blue marlin are thrown into the pot. You just never know when they are going to come in and make your day... The only problem is, hey you got to be geared for them.. Last fall, I was trolling for striped marlin in December and a 1200 plus black came in and caused all hell... We cast the fly, just for the fun of it and the hook up, but he never ate the fly. It was like having a VW Bus under the boat...Great sight to see, and glad to see those pigs are still swimming out there... Shame they are getting killed for the photo hero shot.. I released a 995 about 7 years ago (if its not weighed, its under a grander). It was a heck of a fish and could have been a big deal back at the docks, but I am not going to kill a fish just for the picture... Now, if its a million dollars o the line.....Still bugs me... Okay, lets address the safety issue.. There isnt one, and issue that is. In Cabo, its safer than being home, no problems at all. I take my wife and kids and walk the streets, beaches and docks at night and nothing.. I live in the Mexican neighborhood, and we walk everywhere, and no problems...Cabo is just a great place to come with your family, enjoy our weather, golfing, fishing, and the super people we have here... Come on down and fish Cabo this fall. Lots of fun to be had.. Tight Lines, Grant |
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